Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sound Factory

The Sound Factory is a music scoring firm based in the Philippines. We are not offering ordinary scoring services, we also offer event scoring. If you want your birthdays, corporate events, fashion shows, weddings or even funerals to have their own musical identity theme (ex. renaissance, fairy tale, opera) then our service will be of great use to you.

Here at Sound Factory, we also help businesses with musical branding. If you have a little market place or a restaurant and you want your customers to identify your place or product with music, then we would be glad to help. Your customers would feel that nostalgic feeling of wanting to go back to your place every time they hear or remember your company music.

Not only business owners can have a chance to personalize their music, but also ordinary employees or housewifes. If you just want to hear relaxing music when you go home, or have your car be recognized by your neighbours because of its unique recurring and beautiful sound every time you pass by, we at Sound Factory are always glad to help.